Tuesday, August 16, 2011

         Well, the book is about life, a world at War and what happens when two little, alike but so very different, meet and try to form a friendship.
It is about what happens when trust to a friend is put up against your family's wishes.
What happens when it's either you or your friend who will get beaten for saying the wrong thing, except the friend isn't thought of as human, he's not even thought of as a child.
And it's about a world, where people are rash and don't do things at all right, not older people anyway, the children are the only ones who seem to have any sense left.
It's about our world.
In a War.
A boy's family moves, near a concentration camp.
He and his family are safe though...
The boy sees another little boy, on the other side of the fence and they talk, they play as well as they can, from either side of a wire fence.
And neither know just what's going on.
It's about something that should never have happened

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